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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Huntington Beach & Fountain Valley

The Referee Mentor The Referee Mentor

Many Roles of the Mentor

Friend: Mentors must be persuasive in their commitment to a trainee. The trainee must trust the motives as well as the judgment and advice of the mentor and believe that the mentor is giving freely of time and effort.

Adviser: Mentors must provide sound, simple advice that leads the trainee down the shortest path to success. The trainee must believe in the sincerity and credibility of the mentor.

Supporter: Mentors must offer unlimited encouragement. In this view the trainee can do no wrong but can be encouraged to do better. This is unconditional support for the person, not for everything that person does.

Advocate: Mentors are obliged to take the part of the trainee in all encounters.
No overt criticism or dissent can go unchecked: no challenge without the proactive, positive involvement of the mentor.

Choreographer: Mentors help new referees to stage the officiating process. From
the opening (arrival and inspection of the field) to the closing (post game ceremony and bookkeeping). The mentor helps the trainee to move with direction and purpose from one part of the process to the next.

Teacher: As a teacher the mentor provides accurate, factual information which gives the trainee insight and understanding.

Coach: Mentors offer tactical instruction that helps trainees to operate at the top of their game. They also provide the trainees with practice drills for improved performance.

Role Model: The mentor gives the new volunteer (youth or adult) and those who are trying for upgrade in certification a real person to emulate. The mentor’s attitude, values and behaviors set the example that the trainee is likely to follow.

It is suggested that the new volunteer be assigned as an assistant referee to the mentor in order to observe first hand behaviors that might be emulated.

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AYSO Region 117

9114 Adams Ave. #150 
Huntington Beach, California 92646

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